Today I’m bored, but last week I was rejoicing. Last week,
was my final 14 hr day, scanning tickets down at the stampede grounds. I’m
grateful for the work, but after doing that for 6 days straight, my body was
craving rest. Rest and being able to wear shorts again. HAHAHA!!!

doing (and I’m actually quite excited to be doing those things once again after the summer is over).But if your mind is going all day everyday like that for 6 months, your energy level starts to wane. Now I’m 6 days into my season of rest, and I’m bored. Reflecting on this, it reminds me of the Israelites after they left Egypt. In Egypt, they worked themselves to the bone for 400 years, complaining and praying to God for some relief and freedom from such oppression. A few weeks into the freedom they so desperately craved, they didn’t like it and wanted to go back. (Exodus 16:1-3). HAHA!! I guess it’s true what they say: history repeats itself. 😛

With my involvement in Young Life starting in the fall, I was
planning on attending my buddy Erik's
“dreaming about and planning for the
future” thing him and his wife are hosting next weekend, hoping it would give
me some ideas for young life in the fall, but after some prayer and reflection,
I decided to not to attend. Young Life may already have things in store for me
when I get there. So ill just grace Young Life’s doors with a “ready to learn”
attitude instead. Also, my best friend and I are planning on spending a few
days in Edmonton this summer too.
Those are just MY plans. Who knows what other adventures I’ll
encounter during my season of rest. The proverbs do say, "A man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. (Proverbs
16:9). Whatever happens, I’m ready and
willing to embrace it, head on.